Build Your Private Parallel Economy Through Cryptocurrency - Above University Build Your Private Parallel Economy Through Cryptocurrency - Above University

Build Your Private Parallel Economy Through Cryptocurrency

About Course

Are you ready to join the new economy and ditch establishment financial systems? Join us - Derrick Broze, Ramiro Romani, and Kenny Palaturnio in an 5 hour course where we teach you how to build your own personal economy using cryptocurrency, privacy tools, and real-world strategies. Whether you're sitting on coins or if you've never used crypto before, this course will give you a basic understanding how to use crypto, give you real world experience in creating a wallet, buying, selling, and exchanging crypto for real-world goods.

What Will You Learn?

  • 101 Basics of Cryptocurrencies
  • Best recommended cryptocurrencies
  • How to use crypto for day to day expenses
  • How to travel with crypto
  • How to trade locally P2P
  • Crypto privacy & security recommendations
  • The best apps for crypto wallets
  • Managing seed phrases and passwords
  • Backing up and restoring wallets
  • Sending and receiving crypto
  • Accessing censored platforms
  • How to on-ramp and buy crypto
  • How to off-ramp and sell crypto
  • Decentralized exchanges
  • Instant-swap services

Course Content

Introduction to the course and speakers and why cryptocurrency is important to parallel economies.

  • Crypto 101 with Kenny & Derrick
  • Intro to the course

Ramiro Romani - Parallel Economy Goals with Privacy & Security

Derrick Broze - Building Parallel Economies

Kenny Palurintano -Moving In and Out of the Crypto Economy


Bonus Content